Now VS Then

23 Oct


Do you remember when you were a kid?  I remember playing in the yard, riding horses all over the place, and always on the go.  I also remember that when I went somewhere with the family nobody had a phone pressed to their ear.  There was no “Where is the car charger?”.  My parents didn’t hold up a hand in the middle of a conversation to answer the phone.    My parents didn’t call or text when driving because frankly, we didn’t have cell phones.

Well, I am taking a step back to the past.  I am going back to “then” and have happily given up the “now”.  I know you’re probably thinking “What the heck is she thinking?  She is stepping back how?”  I gave up my cell phone.  Yup, I did it.  In fact I did it a couple of days ago.

I know, I know you’re asking “WHY?” and holding your hand to the head, face, or heart.  Please, don’t look so aghast.  It’s a great thing, I think.  I mean the circumstances are not so much but the actual act I am finding isn’t bothering me all that much.

You see times have been tight in this household.  My partner has had 3 surgeries in the last 11 months, we had to move, and a variety of other issues have arisen so I had to make a choice.  Yes, circumstances dictated the killing of the cell phone but in all honesty, I am finding it a blessing rather than a burden.

I don’t have to remember to grab it before I head out the door.  If someone says they are going to call me, well, if you don’t reach me at home then I guess you will have to wait until I am home again, won’t you?   I don’t worry about social medias interrupting my day unless I am there.  No, I don’t tweet while I am out and about because frankly that can wait.  Nobody on the roads has to worry about if I am texting and driving.  That just isn’t a concern.  I watch for other person though.

The road has my full attention.  When I am having a conversation in person with someone (my child, a friend, etc..) they have my attention, no texts or anything to interrupt.

Do I miss it?  Nope, not one bit.  I wonder how many could go without their phone glued to their ear?  How many could turn off their phones for one day and take a step into the past, the “way back when…” and go without their cell for one day?   Why not try it on a Saturday, a sleepy Sunday, or *gasp*  an actual day of the week?

Yes, it was partly because of financial reasons, however, when we get back on our feet do I want another?  In all honesty I don’t know.  I do know right now I am enjoying a freedom from always being found that I haven’t had in awhile. I have conversations without interruption, I notice the little things out there that I had missed before so I can take a second look without the phone suddenly going off.  Those signs that say “turn off your cell while your here”, I can ignore them.  I know those are little things but those little things make a difference in somebody’s day.

I always found it rude and annoying when I was working with the public when those people would come in, with their phone pressed to their ear and wanted to make a transaction.  I always wondered do they realize how rude that is?  How rude is it of me to interrupt them while I was trying to complete the transaction?  Well, frankly it’s not rude of the person trying to do the job.  And now I am not one of those people.  They have my undivided attention.

I hope you see where I am going and what I am getting at.  And even if you don’t take the challenge and go without your phone for a day, I wonder if you will change your call habits and make sure to get off the phone when trying to make a transaction in a store, order/pick up food, etc….

Today I sit on my deck, sipping some coffee and enjoying my morning.  With a view like this who wants to be interrupted?


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Posted by on October 23, 2013 in Uncategorized


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